Terror Strikes! During the Christmas season, a young man named Jonas Bogswell brings a most baffling case to Sherlock Holmes and the MacDougall Twins. A dinosaur with razor-sharp claws and a terrifying scream has been spotted roaming the hills of Surrey. But how can a prehistoric creature be alive in Victorian England? Police suspect Jonas Bogswell is really behind the attacks, and he needs the help of Sherlock Holmes, the MacDougall Twins and their faithful canine friend Toby to prove his innocence. Is Jonas completely ...
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Terror Strikes! During the Christmas season, a young man named Jonas Bogswell brings a most baffling case to Sherlock Holmes and the MacDougall Twins. A dinosaur with razor-sharp claws and a terrifying scream has been spotted roaming the hills of Surrey. But how can a prehistoric creature be alive in Victorian England? Police suspect Jonas Bogswell is really behind the attacks, and he needs the help of Sherlock Holmes, the MacDougall Twins and their faithful canine friend Toby to prove his innocence. Is Jonas completely innocent, or do he and his family have more knowledge of the dinosaur than they've revealed? Find out as the MacDougall Twins and Sherlock Holmes solve their most extraordinary case --- the Curse of the Deadly Dinosaur!
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