This animated film written and directed by Dash Shaw centers on a psychedelic world where a myriad of mythological and supernatural creatures known as cryptids live alongside humans. That is until they are caught and sold on the black market or seized for the government who plan to exploit their powers. Laura Gray (Lake Bell) is the heroine attempting to rescue the cryptids bringing them instead to the Cryptozoo, a safe haven but also a place where the crypto's cannot live freely. Co-starring Michael Cera and Emily Davis. ...
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This animated film written and directed by Dash Shaw centers on a psychedelic world where a myriad of mythological and supernatural creatures known as cryptids live alongside humans. That is until they are caught and sold on the black market or seized for the government who plan to exploit their powers. Laura Gray (Lake Bell) is the heroine attempting to rescue the cryptids bringing them instead to the Cryptozoo, a safe haven but also a place where the crypto's cannot live freely. Co-starring Michael Cera and Emily Davis. Clare Perez-Izaguirre Lopez, Rovi
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