The true story of David Ray Parker, who with his fiance Cindy Hendy, was charged in 1999 with beating, raping, and torturing several young women in New Mexico. Inside Parker's and Hendy's lakeside trailer, the FBI uncovered restraining devices, elaborate implements of torture, and medical equipment. But these horrors were only a part of the bizarre story that would unfold in a stunning trial. of photos. (June)
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The true story of David Ray Parker, who with his fiance Cindy Hendy, was charged in 1999 with beating, raping, and torturing several young women in New Mexico. Inside Parker's and Hendy's lakeside trailer, the FBI uncovered restraining devices, elaborate implements of torture, and medical equipment. But these horrors were only a part of the bizarre story that would unfold in a stunning trial. of photos. (June)
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