Cpc Practice Exam 2014: Includes 150 Practice Questions, Answers with Full Rationale, Exam Study Guide and the Official Proctor-To-Examinee Instructions
Cpc Practice Exam 2014: Includes 150 Practice Questions, Answers with Full Rationale, Exam Study Guide and the Official Proctor-To-Examinee Instructions
150 question CPC practice exam created to mirror the actual AAPC CPC exam. This practice exam has the same basic structure and category divisions with questions very similar to those found on the real exam. Each question's answer also includes a detailed rationale. Updated in 2014. Will definitely help you pass the CPC exam issued by the AAPC, and is also helpful if you are taking the CCS exam by AHIMA. Don't let your dream of becoming a Certified Professional Coder pass you by! The medical billing and coding exam ...
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150 question CPC practice exam created to mirror the actual AAPC CPC exam. This practice exam has the same basic structure and category divisions with questions very similar to those found on the real exam. Each question's answer also includes a detailed rationale. Updated in 2014. Will definitely help you pass the CPC exam issued by the AAPC, and is also helpful if you are taking the CCS exam by AHIMA. Don't let your dream of becoming a Certified Professional Coder pass you by! The medical billing and coding exam is not easy to pass, and this book will help you feel less intimitated when taking the test - you'll feel like you've already done it before. QuestionsSubject 1-10Medical Terminology 11-20Anatomy 21-30Coding Concepts 31-40ICD-9-CM 41-45HCPCS 46-51E/M 99201-99499 52-61Anesthesia 00100-01999 62-71Integumentary 10021-19499 72-80Musculoskeletal 20005-29999 81-90Respiratory, Cardiovascular, Hemic and Lymphatic, Mediastinum and Diaphragm 30000-39599 91-100Digestive 40490-49999 101-110Urinary, Male and Female Genital Systems, Maternity Care and Delivery 50010 - 59899 111-120Endocrine, Nervous, Ocular and Auditory Systems 60000 - 69990 121-130Radiology 70010 - 79999 131-140Pathology and Laboratory 80047 - 89398 141-150Medicine 90281 - 99607
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