Two adorable toddlers, a Mexican boy and a Mexican-American girl, have a very busy day. They put on their shoes, climb stairs, cuddle puppies, build with blocks, and play with each other. They get so tired! Their mamas tenderly get them ready for bed, putting on their jammies, rocking them, reading stories, giving kisses, putting teddy bear in bed with them, and covering them with their blanket. This bedtime story will soothe babies and small children and make them feel loved and safe. At the end is a page to paste photos ...
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Two adorable toddlers, a Mexican boy and a Mexican-American girl, have a very busy day. They put on their shoes, climb stairs, cuddle puppies, build with blocks, and play with each other. They get so tired! Their mamas tenderly get them ready for bed, putting on their jammies, rocking them, reading stories, giving kisses, putting teddy bear in bed with them, and covering them with their blanket. This bedtime story will soothe babies and small children and make them feel loved and safe. At the end is a page to paste photos or write about your baby's busy day! The story is bilingual, English and Spanish, so little ones can become familiar with both. The first years of a child's life are the best time to learn another language, when it is as natural as eating or sleeping! The story is told with beautiful photographs of the two little tots and their mamas by Kate Cohen. The book was designed by Alma Lucero Martinez Salazar. All royalties from the sale of this book benefit CASA's Centro de Desarrollo de la Infancia (CDI). CASA, the Center for Adolescents of San Miguel de Allende, is a grassroots non-profit organization that provides community health and education services for San Miguel and environs, serving 80,000 people annually for over 30 years. One of its programs is the Early Childhood Development Center (CDI) a daycare program that opened in 1985, to assist working mothers, single mothers, and low income families. CDI has served more than 1,800 children since its inception. Annually, some 200 children attend, ranging in age from 45 days to 6 years. CDI provides infants and children with the learning skills and education tools necessary to ensure their healthy development, such as nutrition through breakfast and lunch, health monitoring, and literacy promotion. To this end CDI sends home three books weekly to read in the family. Espa???ol Dos adorables ni???os peque???os, un ni???o mexicano y una ni???a mexicoamericana, tienen un d???a muy ocupado. Se ponen los zapatos, suben las escaleras, abrazan los cachorros, construyen con bloques y juegan entre ellos. ???Se ponen tan cansados! Las mam???s tiernamente las preparan para irse a la cama, poni???ndose la pijama, acurruc???ndoles, dando besos, poniendo el osito en la cama con ellas y cubri???ndoles con su manta. Esta cuento de cuna calmar??? a beb???s y ni???os peque???os y los har???n sentir amados y seguros. ???Al final hay una p???gina para pegar fotos o escribir sobre el d???a ocupado de su beb???! La historia es biling???e, ingl???s y espa???ol, para que los m???s peque???os puedan familiarizarse con ambos. Los primeros a???os de la vida son los mejores momentos para aprender otro idioma, cuando es tan natural como comer o dormir. La historia cuenta con bellas fotograf???as de los dos peque???os y sus mamas por Kate Cohen. El libro fue dise???ado por Alma Lucero Mart???nez Salazar. Todos los derechos de la venta de este libro benefician al Centro de Desarrollo de la Infancia (CDI) de CASA. CASA, el Centro para Adolescentes de San Miguel de Allende, es una organizaci???n civil sin fines de lucro que ofrece servicios comunitarios de salud y educaci???n y para San Miguel y los alrededores, ayudando a 80,000 personas anualmente durante m???s de 30 a???os. Uno de sus programas es el Centro de Desarrollo de la Infancia (CDI), un programa de guarder???a que se inaugur??? en 1985 para ayudar a las madres trabajadoras, madres solteras y familias de bajos ingresos. CDI ha atendido a m???s de 1.800 ni???os desde su creaci???n. Anualmente, asisten unos 200 ni???os, con edades comprendidas entre 45 d???as y 6 a???os. CDI proporciona a los beb???s y ni???os las habilidades de aprendizaje y las herramientas educativas necesari
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