Best source to learn Condensed Matter Field theory
I had already studied a few chapters in an online version of this fascinating book. However, after some time I realized I need to have this book handy always and finish reading all the chapters. This is not a story book. So, by 'Reading' I mean work with pencil and paper through each and every page of this book. CMT is a vast field, and this book covers most of the important topics that both beginners and experts who are going to stay in this field should learn. By the time you finish the first 400 pages (Part-I) you will be ready to conduct research in any of the topics. The authors have an excellent writing style, and the fonts are very inviting and readable. The historic remarks and pictures are additional features that will keep us glued to this book. My salute to the authors for taking enormous efforts to write this book carefully, and so well organized. If I find any mistakes, I will surely let them know. Thank you, and happy learning.