Collecting Corgi toys
I collect Corgi's of course, and also want all books about Corgi. The best, and most expensive book for this is "The great book of Corgi" by Marcel van Cleemput. However, this book, "Collecting Corgi Toys" should be a nice addition. It is a sort of pocket-format (approx. 20 cm by 15 cm), softcover, which I expected to be larger. Only 80 pages, and of course it cannot be complete. Don't expect colour/wheel variations or promotion models. Still, a brief history, from 1956 to 1983, 30 pages with colour pictures, and a pricelist. The pricelist is not a big help really, because prices (Ebay) are going up rapidly, and also it does not give you price-details from old to new, boxed or even restored models. Still, for a fairly cheap book, it is very readable, and helpfull on its own. A nice book for the starting collector, easy to take with you to toy-fairs!