The seventeen key principles for transforming conflict--in a beautiful package from the creator of The 48 Laws of Power From Joost Elffers, the packaging genius behind the huge New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power , The 33 Strategies of War , and The Art of Seduction , comes this invaluable manual that teaches seventeen fundamentals for turning any conflict into an opportunity for growth. Beautifully packaged in a graphic, two-color format, Changing the Conversation is written by conflict expert Dana ...
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The seventeen key principles for transforming conflict--in a beautiful package from the creator of The 48 Laws of Power From Joost Elffers, the packaging genius behind the huge New York Times bestsellers The 48 Laws of Power , The 33 Strategies of War , and The Art of Seduction , comes this invaluable manual that teaches seventeen fundamentals for turning any conflict into an opportunity for growth. Beautifully packaged in a graphic, two-color format, Changing the Conversation is written by conflict expert Dana Caspersen and is filled with real-life examples, spot-on advice, and easy-to-grasp exercises that demonstrate transformative ways to break out of destructive patterns, to create useful dialogue in difficult situations, and to find long-lasting solutions for conflicts. Sure to claim its place next to Getting to Yes , this guide will be a go-to resource for resolving conflicts.
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