"Cartoon Vision examines American animation alongside the modern design boom of the postwar era. Focusing especially on United Productions of American (UPA), a studio whose graphic, abstract style defined the postwar period, Daniel Bashara considers animation as a laboratory exploring new models of vision and space, tracing the links--both literal and aesthetic--between animators, architects, and designers developing a midcentury modernism that rigorously reimagined the senses. Invoking the American Bauhaus legacy of L?? ...
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"Cartoon Vision examines American animation alongside the modern design boom of the postwar era. Focusing especially on United Productions of American (UPA), a studio whose graphic, abstract style defined the postwar period, Daniel Bashara considers animation as a laboratory exploring new models of vision and space, tracing the links--both literal and aesthetic--between animators, architects, and designers developing a midcentury modernism that rigorously reimagined the senses. Invoking the American Bauhaus legacy of L???aszl???o Moholy-Nagy and Gy???orgy Kepes, Cartoon Vision advocates for animation's pivotal role in a utopian design project of retraining the public's vision to better apprehend a rapidly changing modern world"--Provided by publisher.
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