Based on the Caillou books from Les Editions Chouette, Caillou is a PBS kid's series designed to help young children grow socially. Each episode incorporates animation, live action, and puppetry around a central theme. The main character is four-year-old Caillou, a playful kid eager to learn about the world. He lives with his mom, dad, and baby sister Rosie. His friends at the child care center are Clementine, Leo, and Sarah. His puppet friends are Gilbert the cat, Teddy the bear, Rexy the dinosaur, and Deedee the squirrel. ...
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Based on the Caillou books from Les Editions Chouette, Caillou is a PBS kid's series designed to help young children grow socially. Each episode incorporates animation, live action, and puppetry around a central theme. The main character is four-year-old Caillou, a playful kid eager to learn about the world. He lives with his mom, dad, and baby sister Rosie. His friends at the child care center are Clementine, Leo, and Sarah. His puppet friends are Gilbert the cat, Teddy the bear, Rexy the dinosaur, and Deedee the squirrel. Live-action musical numbers are provided by the Caillettes, a group of singers and dancers under the age of ten. Caillou is recommended for kids aged two to six. Andrea LeVasseur, Rovi
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