Business Credit Secrets: Save Your Company. How to Check and Repair a Negative Credit Score for Corporate Loans. Strategies To Solve Your Company's Liquidity Crisis Even Without Bank Money
Business Credit Secrets: Save Your Company. How to Check and Repair a Negative Credit Score for Corporate Loans. Strategies To Solve Your Company's Liquidity Crisis Even Without Bank Money
Do you want to settle debts with banks to free the company from the weight of financing, even if you think you have no more hopes? It took me 10 years of experience, 1500 assisted entrepreneurs, and 1 year of work, but I can finally say that I have the manual in hand that will help entrepreneurs to change their company. I have to admit the last few months have been really difficult. I have worked closely with entrepreneurs who have had a severe liquidity crisis in their companies. The prolonged closure of production ...
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Do you want to settle debts with banks to free the company from the weight of financing, even if you think you have no more hopes? It took me 10 years of experience, 1500 assisted entrepreneurs, and 1 year of work, but I can finally say that I have the manual in hand that will help entrepreneurs to change their company. I have to admit the last few months have been really difficult. I have worked closely with entrepreneurs who have had a severe liquidity crisis in their companies. The prolonged closure of production activities, the sheer drop in consumption, caused a collapse in the turnover of many companies. The situation is critical but not impossible to manage. There is room for maneuver, but you are called to make an extraordinary effort because your company is in precarious balance. I want to give you my contribution and the strategies I am adopting with my clients. When I started writing this book the goal was to prepare a summary report to insert some key concepts. I let myself get carried away and the result is a real 180-page manual, full of detailed information and useful tips. A concentrate of essential knowledge to face the right moment of financial difficulty for your company and the difficult management of relationships with banks, without making mistakes that can cost you dearly. What you will learn can be useful both if you want to manage your problems yourself and to check the work of your trusted professional. You will discover procedures that are different from those normally used by other consultants and that is truly able to free you from bank debts. Therefore, if you want to find out what are the other sources of financing from which to draw the money you need, without constantly resorting to new lines of credit Scroll to the top and click the buy now button.
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All Editions of Business Credit Secrets: Save Your Company. How to Check and Repair a Negative Credit Score for Corporate Loans. Strategies To Solve Your Company's Liquidity Crisis Even Without Bank Money