Set in the early 1850s, this is a story that follows Tobin Weir, a member of the Guardian Corps of Drekistad and Gladwin Moore, a member of the Cabal of Hund.Gladwin is the mayor of a small North Carolina town who is up to no good. He is utilizing a member of the town whom he has no concern of what happens to as long as he gets his end goal-- more land, money, power, and a possibly even a wife.Tobin is tasked with helping to save a small town in North Carolina-- all the while trying to help a young man find freedom and ...
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Set in the early 1850s, this is a story that follows Tobin Weir, a member of the Guardian Corps of Drekistad and Gladwin Moore, a member of the Cabal of Hund.Gladwin is the mayor of a small North Carolina town who is up to no good. He is utilizing a member of the town whom he has no concern of what happens to as long as he gets his end goal-- more land, money, power, and a possibly even a wife.Tobin is tasked with helping to save a small town in North Carolina-- all the while trying to help a young man find freedom and fighting to hold on to the one he loves. Tobin must ultimately decide what is more important-his friends, the woman he loves, or his own life.Which man has what it takes to succeed?
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