The comedy film centers on a lonely, failing inventor named Brian, who is dedicated to building futile machines. As the winter season worsens his depression, Brian decides to undertake a new project: building an artificially intelligent robot to keep himself company. Using spare parts from around his house, he puts together Charles, a robot that goes beyond the sum of its parts. The film competed in the World Cinema Dramatic competition at the Sundance Film Festival in 2022. Farida Ezzat, Rovi
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The comedy film centers on a lonely, failing inventor named Brian, who is dedicated to building futile machines. As the winter season worsens his depression, Brian decides to undertake a new project: building an artificially intelligent robot to keep himself company. Using spare parts from around his house, he puts together Charles, a robot that goes beyond the sum of its parts. The film competed in the World Cinema Dramatic competition at the Sundance Film Festival in 2022. Farida Ezzat, Rovi
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