Note: This text is the instructors version. For student use, order Handelsman et al: Biology Brought to Life Lab Manual (0-07-282374-7).. Biology Brought to Life is a unique guide for helping instructors promote active learning in the biology classroom. This manual provides practical advice and detailed instructions for implementing open-ended experiments, cooperative learning, and exercises that enhance learning skills in large or small introductory biology courses. Its methods are designed to excite students about science ...
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Note: This text is the instructors version. For student use, order Handelsman et al: Biology Brought to Life Lab Manual (0-07-282374-7).. Biology Brought to Life is a unique guide for helping instructors promote active learning in the biology classroom. This manual provides practical advice and detailed instructions for implementing open-ended experiments, cooperative learning, and exercises that enhance learning skills in large or small introductory biology courses. Its methods are designed to excite students about science, to foster analytical and critical thinking skills, and to reach a broad group of students with diverse learning styles. Biology Brought to Life features eleven open-ended experiments that illustrate fundamental principles of biology and teach students how to apply the scientific method to investigation of biological problems. The Instructor's Version also presents general principles for using cooperative learning and specific examples of how to apply those principles in a biology course. The materials are intended for majors and nonmajors biology courses and for biology instructors looking for ways to incorporate inquiry-based, active learning and microbiological examples into their courses. .
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