Vile and deadly, the monster Grendel rises from his dreggy pool in the night to seek out his victims and kill them in dreadful silence. Hrothgar, king of the Danes, sees no end to the bloodbath: too many of his brave warriors have been slaughtered. Yet there is one man who remains unafraid, one man capable of standing up to the fury of the terrifying monster and his evil mother - Beowulf. One of the world's great adventure stories, this tale was first told more than a thousand years ago. In Robert Nye's marvellous ...
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Vile and deadly, the monster Grendel rises from his dreggy pool in the night to seek out his victims and kill them in dreadful silence. Hrothgar, king of the Danes, sees no end to the bloodbath: too many of his brave warriors have been slaughtered. Yet there is one man who remains unafraid, one man capable of standing up to the fury of the terrifying monster and his evil mother - Beowulf. One of the world's great adventure stories, this tale was first told more than a thousand years ago. In Robert Nye's marvellous retelling, it is as spine-chilling as it was then.
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Add this copy of Beowulf (Dolphin Paperbacks) to cart. $2.30, fair condition, Sold by Reuseabook rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Gloucester, GLOS, UNITED KINGDOM, published 2004 by Orion Childrens Books.
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Fair. Dispatched, from the UK, within 48 hours of ordering. The book is perfectly readable and fit for use, although it shows signs of previous ownership. The spine is likely creased and the cover scuffed or slightly torn. Textbooks will typically have an amount of underlining and/or highlighting, as well as notes. If this book is over 5 years old, then please expect the pages to be yellowing or to have age spots.
Add this copy of Beowulf to cart. $3.75, good condition, Sold by Harry Righton rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Worcs, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1985 by Beaver Books.
Add this copy of Beowulf (Dolphin Paperbacks) to cart. $4.99, very good condition, Sold by Brit Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milton Keynes, BUCKINGHAMSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1995 by Orion Childrens.
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Very good. Simply Brit – welcome to our online used book store, where affordability meets great quality. Dive into a world of captivating reads without breaking the bank. We take pride in offering a wide selection of used books, from classics to hidden gems, ensuring there's something for every literary palate. All orders are shipped within 24 hours and our lightning fast-delivery within 48 hours coupled with our prompt customer service ensures a smooth journey from ordering to delivery. Discover the joy of reading with us, your trusted source for affordable books that do not compromise on quality.
Add this copy of Beowulf (Dolphin Paperbacks) to cart. $5.02, good condition, Sold by Greener Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from London, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1995 by Orion Childrens.
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Good. Ex-Library Copy **SHIPPED FROM UK** We believe you will be completely satisfied with our quick and reliable service. All orders are dispatched as swiftly as possible! Buy with confidence! Greener Books.
Add this copy of Beowulf (Dolphin Paperbacks) to cart. $5.13, good condition, Sold by Goldstone Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Ammanford, CARMS, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1995 by Orion Childrens.
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Good. All orders are dispatched within 1 working day from our UK warehouse. Established in 2004, we are dedicated to recycling unwanted books on behalf of a number of UK charities who benefit from added revenue through the sale of their books plus huge savings in waste disposal. No quibble refund if not completely satisfied.
Add this copy of Beowulf (Dolphin Paperbacks) to cart. $5.14, very good condition, Sold by Greener Books rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from London, UNITED KINGDOM, published 1995 by Orion Childrens.
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Very good. **SHIPPED FROM UK** We believe you will be completely satisfied with our quick and reliable service. All orders are dispatched as swiftly as possible! Buy with confidence! Greener Books.
Add this copy of Beowulf to cart. $19.49, very good condition, Sold by FirstClassBooks rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Little Rock, AR, UNITED STATES, published 2004 by Orion Children's Books.
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Very Good. Used books are NOT guaranteed to contain components and/or supplements such as: Access Codes or working CD's/DVD's! ! Expedited shipping 1-3 business days;
Add this copy of Beowulf to cart. $20.61, good condition, Sold by ThriftBooks-Atlanta rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Austell, GA, UNITED STATES, published 1986 by Random House (UK).
Add this copy of Beowulf to cart. $38.71, good condition, Sold by Bonita rated 4.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Newport Coast, CA, UNITED STATES, published 2004 by Orion Children's Books.
Add this copy of Beowulf to cart. $58.88, new condition, Sold by Just one more Chapter rated 3.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Miramar, FL, UNITED STATES, published 2004 by Orion Children's Books.