(back cover) BARRON'S FOREIGN LANGUAGE GUIDES FRENCH - ENGLISH Pocket Dictionary American-style English to French and French to English. Each headword is listed with its translation, part of speech, and pronunciation Phrases follow each definition using headwords in standard contexts Bilingual lists of numerals, abbreviations, and more Dictionnaire de poche FRAN???AIS - ANGLAIS Anglais am???ricain-francais et francais-anglais am???ricain Chaque entr???e est suivie d'une traduction, ...
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(back cover) BARRON'S FOREIGN LANGUAGE GUIDES FRENCH - ENGLISH Pocket Dictionary American-style English to French and French to English. Each headword is listed with its translation, part of speech, and pronunciation Phrases follow each definition using headwords in standard contexts Bilingual lists of numerals, abbreviations, and more Dictionnaire de poche FRAN???AIS - ANGLAIS Anglais am???ricain-francais et francais-anglais am???ricain Chaque entr???e est suivie d'une traduction, partie du discours et prononciation Chaque d???finition est suivie de phrases contenant l'entr???e dans un contexte standard Listes bilinques des chiffres, abr???viations, etc. Barron's Bilingual Pocket Dictionaries also available in German - Italian - Spanish
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