Autumn, a young woman trapped in a world of the unknown, has the bright idea to move to Paris, the City of Love. "...there I was, sobbing in-between hugs, farewells and well-wishes. It was almost too much all at once..." Autumn lost her dream job after the business cut off many staff members, and she became lost in her mind with no-one but herself; and a piece of paper. Although Losing her job is what drove Autumn to the city of Paris, love is what made her stay. Have you ever seen a man, and instantly your heart ...
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Autumn, a young woman trapped in a world of the unknown, has the bright idea to move to Paris, the City of Love. "...there I was, sobbing in-between hugs, farewells and well-wishes. It was almost too much all at once..." Autumn lost her dream job after the business cut off many staff members, and she became lost in her mind with no-one but herself; and a piece of paper. Although Losing her job is what drove Autumn to the city of Paris, love is what made her stay. Have you ever seen a man, and instantly your heart raced? Olivier is a handsome Frenchman; tall, toned body, has an irresistible smile, and his stare was captivating with his dazzling gray eyes. He made Autumn shudder with every soft touch he left lingering on her skin. Autumn can't stop thinking about Olivier. To her astonishment, he offers her a job that's not even in her field. Autumn takes the offer so she can stay in Paris; subconsciously though, she wants to see him again. "... I love you so much..." Maybe the saying about 'Paris being the City of Love' is true after all.And maybe, just maybe, Paris being the City of Love, will prove to be true for Autumn...
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