Historically, clinicians and researchers have focused on depression and dementia in older people, paying little attention to anxiety except as a complication of these disorders. However, increased research into late-life anxiety has seen a growth in scientific literature and clinical interest. This important book brings together international experts to provide a comprehensive overview of current knowledge in relation to anxiety in older people, highlighting gaps in both theory and practice, and pointing towards the future. ...
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Historically, clinicians and researchers have focused on depression and dementia in older people, paying little attention to anxiety except as a complication of these disorders. However, increased research into late-life anxiety has seen a growth in scientific literature and clinical interest. This important book brings together international experts to provide a comprehensive overview of current knowledge in relation to anxiety in older people, highlighting gaps in both theory and practice, and pointing towards the future. Early chapters cover the broader aspects of anxiety disorders, including epidemiology, risk factors, diagnostic issues, association with insomnia, impaired daily functioning, suicidality, and increased use of healthcare services. The book then explores cross-cultural issues, clinical assessment, and pharmacological and psychological interventions across a variety of settings. An invaluable resource for mental health professionals caring for older people including researchers, psychiatrists, psychologists, specialist geriatric nurses and social workers.
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