This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1796 Excerpt: ... terms, determinable on the death of either of them. Horsm. 372. A deed of exchange of messuages, lands, &c. by lease and release, swell drawn). 2 Pew. Wood, 670. (/. I.P.) A deed of mutual conveyances between two parties by way of exchange. 2 IVms. 892. (B-) Feoffment of messuage and lands, part freehold and part ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1796 Excerpt: ... terms, determinable on the death of either of them. Horsm. 372. A deed of exchange of messuages, lands, &c. by lease and release, swell drawn). 2 Pew. Wood, 670. (/. I.P.) A deed of mutual conveyances between two parties by way of exchange. 2 IVms. 892. (B-) Feoffment of messuage and lands, part freehold and part copyhold, by tour seoffors, two of whom are mortgagees, with proper covenants, &c 1 Bridgm. 17. Feoffment of a manor advowfon of rectory, parsonage impropriate, copyholds, &c. to a purchaler. Covenant to levy a sine and sufier recovery thereof. Letter of attorney to deliver possession, and fome special covenants. I Bridg. 22.. it r _, .4, grarrt of the next pefoitatibno (fiBving. Horsm. 383. T.s!: "rn i.l-?" msi.-- A grant of the next avoidance of a rectory. 2 wj. 920. Booth) Grant of an annuity during the lise of the grantee, secured by demise and redemise of a manor, &c. for a term of ninety-nine years.' (A deseat, in the reddendum of the demise.J t Bridgm. 43. Grant of an annuity during the life of the Annuity, grantor byway of provision for the fon's wise, (very concise) 1 Bridg. 36$. i Grant of an annuity by deed-poll from the death of the grantor during the lise of the grantee, (very fttort; no covenants ) I Bridg. 313. Grant, by ctflui que trust, of an annuity or rent for years by way ot settlement on a marriage. 2 Bridgm. 300. Grant of an annuity for the life of the grantee, secured by South Sea annuities transferred to trustees; a provision in cafe of their being redeemed by parliament; indemnity to the trustees, &c. (a good deed and well dratu/n) Horfm. X2. A grant of an annuity during the joint lives of the grantor and grantee, (sree from taxes to issue out of certain lands; and a demise of the ...
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All Editions of An Assistant to the Practice of Conveyancing: Containing Indexes or References to the Several Deeds, Agreements, and Other Assurances (1796)