Following the futuristic storylines of "1984" and "Brave New World" comes "Among the Hidden". Luke is a third child in a family with already two boys. This is breaking a decree established by the government. He's successfully hidden in his parent's home without discovery for 12 years, but a stray glimpse through an air vent reveals his prohibited existence. Does this spell freedom from secrecy?
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Following the futuristic storylines of "1984" and "Brave New World" comes "Among the Hidden". Luke is a third child in a family with already two boys. This is breaking a decree established by the government. He's successfully hidden in his parent's home without discovery for 12 years, but a stray glimpse through an air vent reveals his prohibited existence. Does this spell freedom from secrecy?
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Delivered in time,
OK quality,
Great book I believe
Aug 15, 2009
This was my absolute favorite series and i recommend this book to any one who loves suspensful stories with great endings
Nov 1, 2007
great series
This book which is the first in the series is a very well written futureistic story which is an easy read for mature 4th graders on up. It is a fast reading book which leaves the audience anxious to read the second book in the series. This trend is consistent through out the series of the six books. The one hint about reading these books is to read them in order as they were written so that the characters as introduced are easier to track and the story makes since. The book is futuristic but yet a realistic fiction and it is written so that the reader may develope an emotional bond with the characters. I have purchased 2 sets of the book so that when the library has checked out all of theirs the students know that they can come and borrow the book they want to read next in the series. I also enjoy visiting with the students about what is happening in the story.
Mar 20, 2007
Hide - all you shadow children
Luke is a shadow child! He must hide behind dark curtains, stay inside,and avoid detection or the population police will come for him. It's the law! There must never be more than two children in a family. Luke has two brothers who go to school, play sports, and live a normal life. Peeking between he curtains Luke discovers another shadow child - Jen. Luke secretly visits with Jen. He discovers Jen is using the computer to form an alliance with other shadows. She is planning a revolt of sorts. Will it work? Will Luke be strong enough to follow Jen? This futuristic story is thought-provoking and exciting to read.