America BC a Review
Feel the Bern, Blessed Bee and 93. This is a wonderful book I knew the author personally. He was a great writer and a good person. As the saying goes this is a good read. I have this book in my storage unit so I have no access to it right now. I have desided to get it as a early birthday day present. Barry did a lot of good research on this book. It will be hard to put it down once you start reading it. When I first got it I read it twice. It became one of my favorite books in my huge library. It will be good to read again and to talk about on my radio show which is called Pagan World Views. Here is my webstite if you want to contact me directly.
I liked Barry's ideas about the Ancient Druids in the New World. He did a lot of good research on Mystery Hill which according to his research was connected to the Ancient Druids. I myself am a AD, Arch-Druid. I am Druid Wicca. You will love this book once you start reading it. He wrote other books on the subject but in my humble opinion this is the best of them. He also talks about the Ancient Phoneticians in the New World. Well I hope you like reading this book and you get some insights from the reading of it. As we Pagans say: Take Care and Blessed Bee. Be safe and healthy and wise.