After All...! is the story of a young woman, Tiote Standing Feather who unhappily lives in Nome, Alaska. She feels disconnected from the world around her. Left as an infant to her Grandfather, a proud Alaskan Native, Tiote grows weary of her non-existent lifestyle and secretly begins an unwavering quest to find her Mother to dispell the stigma surrounding her birth. She allows it to consume her day-to-day activities and feels frustrated when answers aren't readily available. Her Grandfather wants only for her to embrace the ...
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After All...! is the story of a young woman, Tiote Standing Feather who unhappily lives in Nome, Alaska. She feels disconnected from the world around her. Left as an infant to her Grandfather, a proud Alaskan Native, Tiote grows weary of her non-existent lifestyle and secretly begins an unwavering quest to find her Mother to dispell the stigma surrounding her birth. She allows it to consume her day-to-day activities and feels frustrated when answers aren't readily available. Her Grandfather wants only for her to embrace the values and traditions of his legacy. Tiote thinks the answers she seeks will solve all the issues in what she considers to be her stagnant and mundane life, but will she then be satisfied? This coming into her own love story will have you cheering for Tiote and for her misfit rag tag friends who will certainly entertain! Celebrate her highs and lows and her learning experiences along the way!
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