Africa Unchained is Must Reading
George Ayittey's book, Afrioca Unchained, is another example of Ayittey's honesty and integrity. Once again, he has shown himself to be non-partisan in his analysis, refusing to blame Africa's present state upon its colonial inheritance, or make any other excuses as to why Africa is in hte ocndition it is in. Viewing Africa's present problems from an "internalist" point of reference, Ayittey sees the major stumbling blocks to Africa's advancement as being vampire states headed by corrupt leaders. He offers, for example, the fact that there have been 198 African rulers since colonialism ended in Africa, and points out that less than twenty of these rulers have voluntarily relinguished power, with less than ten being what one could call benevolent leaders. Ayittey points out that, if Africa is to move forward, it will only be able to do so by reigning in the corruption that is so widespread through the continent, and make greater use of indigenous means of production.
Ayittey's Africa Unchained, along with his other works, including, Indigenous African Institutions and Africa Betrayed, shouldbe read by anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of what plagues Africa and is keeping the continent form reaching its potential.