Though they had already spent a few years releasing cassettes in extremely limited quantities, H.N.A.S. put out its first LP, Abwassermusik, in 1985. The record was actually credited to H.N.A.S. and another mysterious group, Mieses Gegonge, because at the time Heemann and Khan were still trying to decide which of these two names to use for their band. The album consists of murky industrial soundscapes with a lot of low-end rumble and heavily echoed clanging noises, clattering sounds, and vocal moaning, without much rhythm ...
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Though they had already spent a few years releasing cassettes in extremely limited quantities, H.N.A.S. put out its first LP, Abwassermusik, in 1985. The record was actually credited to H.N.A.S. and another mysterious group, Mieses Gegonge, because at the time Heemann and Khan were still trying to decide which of these two names to use for their band. The album consists of murky industrial soundscapes with a lot of low-end rumble and heavily echoed clanging noises, clattering sounds, and vocal moaning, without much rhythm or other structure. It's far more primitive and unfocused than later albums by this strange experimental group. Though it lacks some of the odd Dadaist juxtapositions of later releases, one gets a hint of what was to come, especially on tracks like "Die Gloria Hose," where bits of found vocals and sampled music are collaged with snarls of feedback. The CD reissue also includes another LP's worth of bonus material, most of it from the same period and quite similar, though at times even more varied and interesting than the original LP material, offering more glimpses of the early stages of H.N.A.S. Though they hadn't quite hit their stride at this point, their material still is still quite fascinating. ~ Rolf Semprebon, Rovi
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