This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1783 Excerpt: ...three-nerved, panicle two-fork'd. divaricated. E e 2 12. H. atrorubens. . H. leaves oppofite fpatuled notch'd triple-nerved rugged, calyx-fcalcs eicSt the length of the difk. black-blufning..980. RUDBECKIA. Receptacle chafFy, conic., Pappus with margin 4-tooth'd. Cal. with a double order of fcales. laciniata. triloba ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1783 Excerpt: ...three-nerved, panicle two-fork'd. divaricated. E e 2 12. H. atrorubens. . H. leaves oppofite fpatuled notch'd triple-nerved rugged, calyx-fcalcs eicSt the length of the difk. black-blufning..980. RUDBECKIA. Receptacle chafFy, conic., Pappus with margin 4-tooth'd. Cal. with a double order of fcales. laciniata. triloba hirta. purpurea. oppofitifolia I. 2. R. leaves compound jag'd. iagg'd. R. leaves fpatuled: the inferiour leaves three-lobed, the fuperiour undivided. three-lobed. R. leaves undivided fpatule-egg'd, petals of the ray end-nick'd. flaggyR. leaves lance-egg'd alternate undivided, petals of the ray two-cleft. purple. R. leaves oppofite lance-egg'd faw'd, petals of the ray two-cleft. oppoflte-leaved. angussifolia. 6. R. leaves oppofite linear moil intire. narrow-leaved. 981. COREOPSIS. Receptacle chafFy. Pappus two-horn'd. Cal. ereft, many-leaved, girt at the bafe with expanding rays. Tickfeed. vcrticillata. 1. C. leaves decompound-fealher'd linear. verticiVd. coronato. %. C. leaves feather'd faw'd lined fmooth. crown d. leucantha. 6. C. leaves feather'd faw'd, ray of the flowers divers colour'd. white-flower'd. chryfantha. 5. C. leaves three'd egg-oblong faw'd, ray of the flowers fame-colour'd. gold-flower d. tripteris. 9. C. leaves moftly three'd m oft intire. three-wing'd. alba. 8. C. leaves moflly three'd wedged faw'd. white, reptans. 3. C. leaves faw'd egg'd: the higheft three'd, Item creeping, creeping, aur'tcuhta. 4. C. leaves molt intire egg'd: inferieur leaves three'd. ear'd. lanceolata. 10. C. leaves lanced moft intire fringed, lanced. Bidcns. 4.. C. leaves lanced faw'd oppofite ftem-clafping. ahernifclia.w. leaves lanced faw'd alternate petioled decurrent. alternate-leaved. baccata C. leaves egg'd faw'd, feed..
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