"A Path To Freedom: The Awakening" is a non-fiction narrative that follows the author Michael Ginsberg for 25 years. Examining what it takes to go beyond human suffering, he strives to fundamentally understand himself. The book shares real-life anecdotal stories and confessions of what transcending the ego looked like in his case or what it might look like in anyone's case that wants to realize God. This tapestry of spiritual realizations shows the way to go beyond all suffering, as Michael speaks profound truths about what ...
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"A Path To Freedom: The Awakening" is a non-fiction narrative that follows the author Michael Ginsberg for 25 years. Examining what it takes to go beyond human suffering, he strives to fundamentally understand himself. The book shares real-life anecdotal stories and confessions of what transcending the ego looked like in his case or what it might look like in anyone's case that wants to realize God. This tapestry of spiritual realizations shows the way to go beyond all suffering, as Michael speaks profound truths about what stops people from realizing God. He expresses an enlightened view of human relationships and how to transcend or go beyond difficult circumstances.
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