Written and directed by Max Walker-Silverman, this quiet drama takes place largely in the landscape of the American West. Widow Faye (Dale Dickey) has been calling this vast expanse her home, living off-the-grid and on her own. However, one day, her old flame, Lito (Wes Studi), arrives, himself a widower as well. While by a lake within the Colorado Mountains, the two rekindle and reminisce about old times and decide to spend the night together. Olivia Cantor, Rovi
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Written and directed by Max Walker-Silverman, this quiet drama takes place largely in the landscape of the American West. Widow Faye (Dale Dickey) has been calling this vast expanse her home, living off-the-grid and on her own. However, one day, her old flame, Lito (Wes Studi), arrives, himself a widower as well. While by a lake within the Colorado Mountains, the two rekindle and reminisce about old times and decide to spend the night together. Olivia Cantor, Rovi
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