This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1900 edition. Excerpt: ... Aerial telegraph, an, 73 et seq. Andres, Signor Senlicq d', 8 fn. Armstrong, Lord, 270 fn. Ascoli, Prof., 215. Atlantic telegraph, an, Lind- say's proposals, 21 et seq.-- a telegraph without a cable, 90. Auticatelephor of Edwards, 8 et seq. Barclay, A., 78. Bell, Prof. Graham, his photo- phone, 5 and ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1900 edition. Excerpt: ... Aerial telegraph, an, 73 et seq. Andres, Signor Senlicq d', 8 fn. Armstrong, Lord, 270 fn. Ascoli, Prof., 215. Atlantic telegraph, an, Lind- say's proposals, 21 et seq.-- a telegraph without a cable, 90. Auticatelephor of Edwards, 8 et seq. Barclay, A., 78. Bell, Prof. Graham, his photo- phone, 5 and fn. -- experi- ments in communicating be- tween ships at sea, 96 et seq. --251, 252. Beron's 'Meteorologie Simpli- fied' referred to, 66 fn. Blake, Prof. Lucien, experiment showing sensitiveness of the telephone, 85--130 fn. Blissett, Mr, 114. Blondel, Prof., 232 fn. Bonelli, 29 fn., 104. Bouchotte, 29 fn. Bourbouze, M., 71 et seq. Boze, Prof. Chunder, 188. Branly, Prof. E., 189 et seq., 195 et seq.--on variations of conductivity, 276 et seq.--291. Brett, 104. Bright, Mr C, 130 fn. Brooke, Sir William O'Shaugh- nessy, experiments in sub- aqueous telegraphy, 39. Brown, Mr A. C., the inventor of the photophone, 5 fn.-- induction in train signalling, 104 et seq.--176 fn. Call apparatus on the Fastnet rock, 173. Calzecchi-Onesti, Prof., 194 et seq. Carty, Mr, on the electro-static phenomena on telephone cir- cuits, 144 fn. Channing, Dr, experiments showing sensitiveness of the telephone, 81 et seq. Churchill, Lord A. S., 78. Clark, Edwin, 104. Coherer. See Detector. Coils, communication between ships, &c, by, 122 et seq., 156. Conduction methods of com- munication, 130 et seq., 162 et seq. -- variations of con- ductivity under electrical in- fluence, 276 et seq. Cooke, William Fothergill, his system of train signals, 104. IVookes, Sir William, 197, 289. Davy, Edward, 6 et seq.--plans for telegraphing without wire*, ib.--proposal for com- munication with trains in motion, 103. Dering, G. E., his needle teleg- raphy, 48--methods of carry- ing off...
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