This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1916 edition. Excerpt: ...The present may be used instead of the future in statements of what is immediate, likely, certain, or threatening. Ko! ci fiovKei, TrafjaiDpCo tjoi Tov Jsjuitos and if you wish, I yield the floor to you Aes. 3.165, forever I am on the verge of ruin Ant. 5.35, ct avrrj rj iroAis XriOrjatTax, itrax Ko.1 ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1916 edition. Excerpt: ...The present may be used instead of the future in statements of what is immediate, likely, certain, or threatening. Ko! ci fiovKei, TrafjaiDpCo tjoi Tov Jsjuitos and if you wish, I yield the floor to you Aes. 3.165, forever I am on the verge of ruin Ant. 5.35, ct avrrj rj iroAis XriOrjatTax, itrax Ko.1 Ij iraao. Sikcaui if this city is taken, the whole of Sicily as well is in their power T. 6. 91. a. In prophecies a future event may be regarded as present: PVV aypti Tlpidpov Ttokiv a8e xtXtvdos in time this expedition captures Priam's city A. Ag. 126. b. On presents with future meaning, see 370, 513. 1086. Historical Present.--In lively or dramatic narration the present may be used to represent a past action as taking place at the moment of speaking or writing. This use does not occur in Homer. 6 Si (r)c/xio-TOKrj's 'sh" es KepKvpav Themistocles fled (flees) to Corcyra T. 1.136, at Si vrjts riov'A.6rnaiuv KaTaXapjiavowri Ttfv TloTtiSauiv the ships of the Athenians occupied Polidaea 1.59, dpa At tn!jp.ipa rrj voXu irpocrtKeiTO Kai alpu at daybreak he assaulted the town and took it 7.29, Oittco 8t) airoypapovrai 7raires AviXa/36v re. To. oirXa accordingly they all enrolled themselves and took the arms X. C. 2.1; 19. a. The historical present may represent either the descriptive imperfect or the narrative aorist (1120 b). 1087. Annalistic Present.--The annalistic present registers historical facts or notes incidents. Adpeiov Koi Tlapvo-anSoi ytyvovrai iralSv; Svo of Darius and Parysatis were (are) born two sons X.A.I. 1.1, Ku 6 evia.vrbs ZX-rr/ev, iv if Kap-nS6vioi aipavai Svo TrdAtis "EAAjjviSas and the year came to an end in which the Carthaginians captured two Greek cities X. II. 1.1.37. 1088. Present of Past and Present.
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