This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1787 Excerpt: ...on t-ees and plants in 1683, drawn from th- anfwer to fome queries fent into clivers countries, by R. Ptotr, and from feveral ob at Oxford-J. Bobart..., . An account of two pi-i, ts lately brought from the Cape of Good Hope-Shane Letters concerning trie feeds_ of-'"plants, witi obfervations on the ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1787 Excerpt: ...on t-ees and plants in 1683, drawn from th- anfwer to fome queries fent into clivers countries, by R. Ptotr, and from feveral ob at Oxford-J. Bobart..., . An account of two pi-i, ts lately brought from the Cape of Good Hope-Shane Letters concerning trie feeds_ of-'"plants, witi obfervations on the mapser of the propagation of plants and animala, -Letuwtnhatk. Letter concerning the feeds of plant Jofepbus de Anmatarih An account of the lately invented; ftove preferving_plants in the green houfe in winter C'ulium, A catalogue of plants growing within the for tifications of Tangier, in 1673 Spottfviood in. Part of two letters concerning fevera! plants, that may be ufcfuily cultivated for producing grafs or hay Lifttr A catalogue of fome Guinea plants, their native names and virtues fent to James Petiver, andrema-ks on them by Petiver in i. Ap account of 'ome Indian plants, with their.names, defcnptions, .and virtues Pftiver.., . Remarks on fome animals, plants, &c. from Maryland Pet'rvtr Seme obfervations. concerning fome wonderful n PL A contrivances of nature, in a family of plants Jatnaka, to perfect the individuum, .t" the fpccies with feveral inftance analogous to them in European vegetables Shane Plants. An account of part of a coltc&ion-f cur'rou plants and tl'ugs, lately given to the Royal Society by tie haft JhdiaCompany i Firft book-f E. India plants, with their tames vi-tues, and'defcriptiofts. by S. Btrn, with fome renwk's, by J. Petiver Second hook, with remarks, by J." Petivti Third bojk-, with remarks, by j. Petiv, Fourth book, with remarks, by J. Petiver Fifth book, wi h remarks, by J. Petiver Sixth book, with remarks, by J. Pttive Seventh Vook, with remarks, by J. Petiver The eighth book, with remar...
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