A Catalogue of Manuscripts, in Different Languages, on Theology, of Various Dates from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Century Now Selling at the Prices Affixed
A Catalogue of Manuscripts, in Different Languages, on Theology, of Various Dates from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Century Now Selling at the Prices Affixed
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1829 Excerpt: ...Creazione, Fazzione. Manu A curious History of the Intrigues, Jan. April, 1655, of the Cardinals eligible to the Papacy (Papabili, J of each of whom a character is given. The writer was evidently in the interest of Cardinal Chigi whom he recommends, and who was. elected under the name of Alexander VII. The table is ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1829 Excerpt: ...Creazione, Fazzione. Manu A curious History of the Intrigues, Jan. April, 1655, of the Cardinals eligible to the Papacy (Papabili, J of each of whom a character is given. The writer was evidently in the interest of Cardinal Chigi whom he recommends, and who was. elected under the name of Alexander VII. The table is very curious. Script, very neatly written, folio, sewed, . Is. 6d. A contemporary History of the Election of Cardinal Chigi to the Papal throne, under the above name, in 1655. 222 Relatione della Corte di Roma fatta l'anno 1655, dal Cavaliere e Procuratore di San Marco Gio. Pesaro, ritornato insieme con gli altri Ambasciadori dall' Ambasciaria Straordinaria di Vbbidienza ad Alessandro vij nuovamente creato Papa, del quale e delle sue qualita, e de' Parenti non ancora venuti a Roma assai discorre, e quali aiuti cercati al Papa contro il Turco puo sperare la Republica, e sopra molte altre cose. Manuscript, folio, ... 18s. This embassy took place in one of the most important years of the War of Candia, when the Venetians strained every nerve to obtain succour. Pesaro, the Ambassador to the Pope, held the high rank of Procurator of St. Mark, the second dignity of the Republic, but which the necessities of the State had shortly before obliged the Venetians to offer for sale, when it was obtained by 40 individuals for 25,000 ducats each. The assistance of Alexander was obtained only on condition of the Jesuits being recalled who had offered to him a large sum for his influence with the Republic; the Pope took their money to enrich the needy Chigi, " ainsi chacun obtint ce qu'il souhaitait, la Republique des secours, la Societe son rappel a Venise, et le Pape des sommes qui paraitroient incroyables, si l'on ne savait les moyen...
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