Written and directed by Gigi Gaston, this action drama follows a former burlesque dancer named Gypsy (Lena Headey), who's now living as an author in an attempt to restart her life. But when her neighbor's family is threatened by the local crime boss, who happens to be Gypsy's ex-lover, she risks her newly established and stable life to rescue the neighbor's kid and hide him from the crime boss's henchmen out to kill them. Also starring Sam Worthington and Barbara Hershey. Olivia Cantor, Rovi
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Written and directed by Gigi Gaston, this action drama follows a former burlesque dancer named Gypsy (Lena Headey), who's now living as an author in an attempt to restart her life. But when her neighbor's family is threatened by the local crime boss, who happens to be Gypsy's ex-lover, she risks her newly established and stable life to rescue the neighbor's kid and hide him from the crime boss's henchmen out to kill them. Also starring Sam Worthington and Barbara Hershey. Olivia Cantor, Rovi
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