Originally titled 42 Etudes for Solo Violin (???tudes ou Caprices pour Violon) by Rodolphe Kreutzer (1766-1831), this edition was adapted and transcribed for Viola solo by Roisber Narvaez, they are currently considered fundamental for the acquisition of the technique of the viola's modern performance, used by teachers in universities and music conservatories around the world. These etudes expose a progressive series in which the basic principles are reflected up to technical complexity of the instrument.In this edition, we ...
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Originally titled 42 Etudes for Solo Violin (???tudes ou Caprices pour Violon) by Rodolphe Kreutzer (1766-1831), this edition was adapted and transcribed for Viola solo by Roisber Narvaez, they are currently considered fundamental for the acquisition of the technique of the viola's modern performance, used by teachers in universities and music conservatories around the world. These etudes expose a progressive series in which the basic principles are reflected up to technical complexity of the instrument.In this edition, we faithfully keep fingerings and bowings the composer based on the first edition consisting of 40 Etudes are preserved and were published by the Magasin de Musique directed by Mrs Cherubini, M???hul, Kreutzer, Rode, N. Isouard et Boieldieu, founded in 1802. However, we are maintaining the order and numbering of the modern editions and use the sequence of the first edition, with numbers 13 and 25 in the order that appears revised edition of Joseph Clavel, pupil, and assistant to the violin chair of Kreutzer. We faithfully maintain the fingerings and bowings of the first edition of Kreutzer and add the missing elements from the 3rd revised edition of Clavel but always returning back to the first edition in those cases where necessary. We kept the use of the C-clef as much as possible to facilitate the reading for the performer, except for those very sharp extracts that merit the use of the G-clef. There is a Manuscript that contains 25 studies, 13 of which can be identified as preliminary version, since fingerings that do not appear in the first edition were taken from here and were added in our version Roisber Narvaez Verlag in italics, we have also placed annotations from the first edition in parentheses and editor's suggestions in brackets.Titulado originalmente como 42 Estudios para Violin solo (???tudes ou Caprices pour Violon) por Rodolphe Kreutzer (1766-1831), la presente edici???n fue adaptada y transcrita para Viola solo por Roisber Narvaez, son considerados actualmente como fundamental para la adquisici???n de la t???cnica de la ejecuci???n moderna de la viola y utilizados por docentes en las universidades y conservatorios de m???sica alrededor del mundo. Dichos estudios exponen una serie progresiva en la que se plasma los principios b???sicos hasta una complejidad t???cnica del instrumento.En esta edici???n se conservan los arcos originales y digitaciones propias del compositor basados en la primera edici???n que consta de 40 Etudes y fueron publicados por el Magasin de Musique dirig??? par Mrs Cherubini, M???hul, Kreutzer, Rode, N. Isouard et Boieldieu, fundado en 1802. Sin embargo, estamos manteniendo el orden y numeraci???n de las ediciones modernas y utilizamos la secuencia de la primera edici???n, con los n???meros 13 y 25 en el orden que aparece edici???n revisada de Joseph Clavel, pupilo y asistente de la c???tedra de Kreutzer. Mantenemos fielmente las digitaciones y arcadas de la primera edici???n de Kreutzer y agregamos los elementos faltantes a partir de la 3era edici???n revisada de Clavel pero siempre regresando de vuelta a la primera edici???n en aquellos casos que sea necesario. Mantuvimos tanto como sea posible el uso de la clave de Do para facilitar la lectura al ejecutante, salvo aquellos extractos muy agudos que ameritan el uso de la clave de Sol. Existe un Manuscrito que contiene 25 estudios, 13 de los cuales se pueden identificar como versi???n preliminar, pues de aqu??? fueron tomadas digitaciones que no aparecen en la primera edici???n y fueron agregadas en nuestra versi???n Roisber Narvaez Verlag en letra cursiva, tambi???n hemos colocado entre par???ntesis anotaciones de la primera edici???n y entre corchetes sugerencias del editor.
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