Originally released in 3D IMAX, this documentary from filmmakers Richard R. Fisher and Madjulika Guhathakurta takes viewers on a visual tour of the luminous star that keeps our world turning. Few things are quite as essential to the very existence of the human race as the sun, and by exploring the oceans, poles, and the heliosphere, NASA scientists offer viewers a greater understanding of what it is about this star that is so conducive to life on planet Earth. In addition to offering a breathtaking look at the brilliant ...
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Originally released in 3D IMAX, this documentary from filmmakers Richard R. Fisher and Madjulika Guhathakurta takes viewers on a visual tour of the luminous star that keeps our world turning. Few things are quite as essential to the very existence of the human race as the sun, and by exploring the oceans, poles, and the heliosphere, NASA scientists offer viewers a greater understanding of what it is about this star that is so conducive to life on planet Earth. In addition to offering a breathtaking look at the brilliant auroras causes by the sun, viewers are also invited to ride a solar blast straight from the surface of the sun and right into the Earth's magnetosphere, as well as witness the enormous explosions that disrupt electronic equipment, stir geomagnetic storms, and influence weather patterns on planet Earth. Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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