Manage Your Inventory for Free

Save time?and sell more?with our powerful inventory tools

"My Inventory Manager" comes free with your Alibris seller subscription. You don't ever need to pay for third-party software to manage your inventory. This suite of exclusive tools empowers you to streamline your work and increase sales. You can easily list items for sale, optimize your prices, update descriptions, add or delete specific items, and download listing files in a variety of formats (tab delimited, UIEE, and more). My Inventory Manager gives you everything you need to succeed?all at no extra charge.

Comprehensive ISBN/UPC lookup services. Merely enter an ISBN or UPC and we'll supply you with the matching title and author/artist, of course, but also the edition, publisher, year published, and a great deal of other information from our catalog of more than 15 million bibliographic entries. This means less work for you and less risk of a typo that might make your item harder to find on our Web sites and partner sites.

Single or bulk image uploads. If you have a particularly interesting copy?an antiquarian book, a signed version, a rare cover, etc.?you can easily upload your own image that will be shown alongside your item. You can upload one image at a time, or thousands by uploading a file.

Single or bulk image uploads

Automatic keyword matching. Your listings are paired with keywords to help our users find each item that you list. That way, it's more likely that your listings will be discovered by eager buyers. You'll also find ample room for adding your own keywords to help increase browse and discovery by shoppers.

Sales-focused pricing data. With up-to-the-minute, exclusive pricing data, you can list each item at its best price?and reprice to the current market. Whether you want the average price, competitive price, or something else entirely, this proprietary information?as well as the number of copies currently for sale?helps you to make the pricing decisions to get your items sold. You can also review your prices any way you want: one at a time, by criteria, or set your preferences and let the software do it for you.

Top-tier demand data. If you sign up as an Alibris Gold seller, you'll have access to an incredibly powerful tool in Alibris Inventory Demand (AID), which not only shows pricing information but also shows the item's last ten sales (across all of our sales channels), the selling price of each of those copies, and their descriptions. If you haven't done so yet, take a look at Inventory Demand and see what you are missing.

Top-tier demand data

Fully integrated music and movie listings. Most inventory management software solutions are only focused on books. With Alibris, your movies and music items are just as prized as your books, and receive the same level of data and service coverage.

Easy, centralized listing uploads. If you've been maintaining your inventory on a separate system or spreadsheet, it's as easy as a few clicks to upload your data to Alibris. Once we have it, there's no need to go back to the old file; we can be your single source of data. Of course, you can keep uploading files on a regular basis too.

Easy, centralized listing uploads

Multiple formats for downloading listings. While you can use our system to manage all of your listings, you may wish to download all of your for-sale items into a spreadsheet or software file for offline use. You'll find many file formats to meet your needs, including several different common standards.

Private listing notes for sellers. Want to keep track of where a book is on your shelves, or where you bought it? Simply write yourself a note (using our Edit Listings feature) that only you will see, to ensure that you have complete records.

This is only a partial list of all the functionality that Alibris provides to you. If you're currently using third-party software, or even considering it, we're here to help. There's no reason to pay for something you can get for free, all while experiencing the benefit of Alibris and its business partners. Please contact us today with any questions about My Inventory Manager.

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