Cut Mail Costs in Proven Ways

Mark says, "Maximize shipping credits!"

Times are tough, and USPS rates keep going up. We've shipped books through our distribution center since 1998, giving us lots of cost-saving experience. Our V.P. of Operations, Mark Nason (that's him on the right), hopes some proven shipping tips will help you reduce expenses.

Save on time and gas with online services:

  •  Seek out discounts: Companies like, Endicia, and Shipstream Manager offer significant discounts on shipping rates and services, as well as save you trips to the USPS.

  •  Ship smarter: USPS Shipping Assistant is a free desktop application that helps you find the best shipment rate, request free package pick-up, verify addresses, print postage, track deliveries, and send e-mail shipment notifications. Easily print shipping labels and postage, and skip long lines.

  •  Get free pick-up: Those packages destined for Sparks using our MRS label are eligible for free carrier pickup.

We hope you save big with these shipping tips.

We're standing by to help you sell more.

Let us help
you succeed

Your success is our success. We want your Alibris experience to be encouraging and productive. That's why our entire team (including Mark Nason—pictured above) is standing by to help you save more and sell better.

Please let us know how we can help.