The premise of Mutant X is firmly established in the series' two-part season one opener "The Shock of the New." Breaking away from the sinister government research organization Genomex, a scientist named Adam (John Shea) vows to shatter the megalomaniacal dreams of his former boss Mason Eckhart (Tom McCamus), and to rescue those genetically enhanced, superpowered human mutants created under Eckhart's evil influence. Adam quickly organizes several new mutants -- the catlike Shadowfox (Victoria Pratt), the electrically ...
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The premise of Mutant X is firmly established in the series' two-part season one opener "The Shock of the New." Breaking away from the sinister government research organization Genomex, a scientist named Adam (John Shea) vows to shatter the megalomaniacal dreams of his former boss Mason Eckhart (Tom McCamus), and to rescue those genetically enhanced, superpowered human mutants created under Eckhart's evil influence. Adam quickly organizes several new mutants -- the catlike Shadowfox (Victoria Pratt), the electrically charged Fuse (Victor Webster), the psychic Rapport (Lauren Lee Smith), and the molecule-rearranging Synergy (Forbes March) -- into his own do-gooding agency Mutant X. As Adam's team endeavors to keep one step ahead of Eckhart's Genetic Security Agency, created to hunt down and kill the "renegades," they also save a number of their own mutant species from various grisly fates. Of course, some mutants are beyond redemption, and have crossed over into evil, among them a frightening array of "invisibles," shape shifters and even vampires. The last of season one's 22 episodes, "Dancing on the Razor," finds both Mutant X and Genomex facing their most deadly peril: public exposure! (up to now, Mr. John Q. Citizen has been kept in the dark as to all the superpowered and supernatural shenanigans). Hal Erickson, Rovi
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