Frozen in Time: The Fate of...
Owen Beattie,
John Geiger
Buy new from $89.70
Arctic Drift
Clive Cussler,
Dirk Cussler
Buy new from $14.46
Rowing the Northwest Passage:...
Kevin Vallely
Buy new from $16.06
Arctic Explorations In Search...
Elisha Kent Kane
Buy new from $25.10
Arctic Drift
Clive Cussler,
Dirk Cussler
Buy new from $82.59
The North-West Passage and...
James Alexander Browne
Buy new from $28.40
Breaking Ice for Arctic Oil:...
Ross Coen
Buy new from $35.32
Frozen in Time: The Fate of...
Owen Beattie,
John Geiger
Buy new from $81.98
Frozen in Time: The Fate of...
Owen Beattie,
John Geiger
Buy new from $106.98
Paddle to the Arctic: The...
Don Starkell
Buy new from $67.85
Roald Amundsen's "The North...
Roald 1872-1928 Amundsen,
Godfred 1876-1937 Hansen
Buy new from $31.29
Northwest Passage Solo
David Scott Cowper
Buy new from $15.27
Fatal Passage
Ken McGoogan
Buy new from $13.49
The Historic Northwest...
Dick Juge
Buy new from $28.15
Writing Arctic Disaster:...
Adriana Craciun
Buy new from $56.45
Fields of Ice
Arabella Edge
Buy new from $96.79
Boundless: Tracing Land and...
Kathleen Winter
Buy new from $21.51
Explore with John Franklin
O'Brien Cynthia
Buy new from $12.89
John Roobol
Buy new from $14.55
Fatal Passage
Ken McGoogan
Buy new from $83.38
Frozen in Time
Owen Beattie,
John Geiger
Buy new from $104.63
Ordeal by Ice
Farley Mowat
Buy new from $106.98
Arctic Passages: A Unique...
John Bockstoce
Buy new from $39.00
Polar Passage
Jeff Macinnis,
Wade Rowland
Buy new from $20.99