80386: The 80386 Book
Ross P Nelson
Buy from $14.85
The 80386, 80486, and Pentium...
Walter A Triebel
Buy from $10.33
I386/I486 Advanced...
Sen-Cuo Ro
Buy from $47.09
Intel 32-Bit Microprocessor:...
Barry B Brey
Buy from $22.80
Programming the 80386
John Crawford,
Patrick P Gelsinger
Buy from $23.59
Microsoft Macro Assembler 5.1...
John Mueller,
Wally Wang
Buy from $51.35
Assembly Language Magic:...
William H Murray,
Chris H Pappas
Buy from $16.49
80386 Protected Mode...
Len Dorfman
Buy from $14.81
Dr. Dobb's Toolbook of 80286...
Phillip R. Robinson (Editor)
Buy from $18.08
Advanced 80386 Programming...
James Turley
Buy from $85.22
Intel386 Family Binary...
Intel Corporation
Buy from $44.20
Microsoft's 80386/80486...
Ross P Nelson
Buy from $21.45
80386 Book
Lance A Leventhal,
Buy from $60.51
Build Your Own 80386 IBM...
Dr. Aubrey Pilgrim
Buy from $11.70
80386, a Programming and...
Penn Brumm,
Don Brumm
Buy from $32.50
80386 Assembly Language: A...
Penn Brumm,
Don Brumm
Buy from $22.00
80386/80286 Assembly Language...
William Murry,
Chris H Pappas
Buy from $19.02
80386 Technical Reference
Edmund Strauss
Buy from $24.81
80386 Microprocessor Handbook
Chris H Pappas
Buy from $22.96
Programming the Intel 80386
Bud Smith
Buy from $56.03
UNIX System V Release 3.0:...
American Telephone and Telegraph Company
Buy from $39.00
Assembly Language Programming...
Judi Fernandez,
Ruth Ashley
Buy from $18.07
UNIX Programming on the 80286...
Alan Deikman
Buy from $16.74
The Advanced Intel...
Barry B Brey
Buy from $17.85