The Valuation of Digital...
Roberto Moro Visconti
Buy from $137.57
Valuation for Financial...
Michael J Mard,
James R Hitchner
Buy from $10.00
Transfer Pricing and...
Dr. Elizabeth King
Buy from $165.08
Intangible Assets
John Hand (Editor),
Baruch Lev (Editor)
Buy from $65.19
Organizational Network...
Anna Ujwary-Gil
Buy from $60.65
Transboundary Heritage and...
Patricia Covarrubia (Editor)
Buy from $53.48
Intangible Cultural Heritage...
Marie Cornu (Editor),
Anita Vaivade (Editor)
Buy from $125.42
Why the Bottom Line Isn't!:...
David Ulrich,
Norm Smallwood
Buy from $8.45
The New Organizational Wealth...
Karl Erik Sveiby
Buy from $9.24
Intellectual Property,...
Christoph Antons (Editor),
William Logan (Editor)
Buy from $57.65
Value Creation: The Power of...
William Neal,
Ron Strauss
Buy from $11.61
Valuation for Financial...
Michael J Mard,
James R Hitchner
Buy from $9.97
Real Options: Evaluating...
Sydney Howell,
Sidney Howell
Buy from $9.45
Safeguarding Intangible...
Michelle L Stefano (Contributions by),
Professor Peter Davis (Contributions by)
Buy from $33.44
The Valuation of Intangible...
Farok J Contractor (Editor)
Buy from $57.10
A Short Guide to Reputation...
Garry Honey
Buy from $0.99
The Valuation of Digital...
Roberto Moro-Visconti
Buy from $156.07
Cultural Mapping and Musical...
Britta Sweers (Editor),
Sarah M. Ross (Editor)
Buy from $41.00
Valuation of Intellectual...
Gordon V. Smith,
Russell L. Parr
Buy from $11.99
Tacit and Ambiguous Resources...
V Ambrosini
Buy from $27.73
Valuing Intellectual Property...
Ruth Taplin (Editor)
Buy from $187.00
Investing in Intangible...
Russell L Parr
Buy from $39.17