"Smallville", the hit series which follows the adventures of a teenage Clark Kent and his friends - including Lana Lang, Lois Lane and a certain Lex Luthor - is one of the hottest shows on TV. This volume tells you everything you need to know about the fourth season, and is filled with exclusive interviews, unseen photos, behind-the-scenes secrets and, of course, a complete episode guide, including an in-depth look at one key episode. Plus, there's a deeper insight into the world of Smallville, with more excerpts from "The ...
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"Smallville", the hit series which follows the adventures of a teenage Clark Kent and his friends - including Lana Lang, Lois Lane and a certain Lex Luthor - is one of the hottest shows on TV. This volume tells you everything you need to know about the fourth season, and is filled with exclusive interviews, unseen photos, behind-the-scenes secrets and, of course, a complete episode guide, including an in-depth look at one key episode. Plus, there's a deeper insight into the world of Smallville, with more excerpts from "The Smallville Ledger" and the high school newspaper, "The Torch". Get the exclusive inside story of this Kryptonite red-hot show!
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Lois arrives in this season. There are some sections devoted to Erica Durance's Lois Lane. All the photos are lovely. It follows the same format as the other season guides except there are more full page photos. This is a great season to read about. Remember when Clark married Sarah Carter's Alicia? Relive all the adventure with this awesome book.