"The Frozen Pirate" is the bizarre story of Paul Rodney, a sailor who narrowly escapes death by shipwreck and exposure in the Straits of Magellan, then faces further peril. Embedded in the Antarctic ice is an ancient vessel, a pirate ship, filled with what seem to be frozen, contorted corpses. But they are not dead. When one of them revives, Rodney must fend off one of the most bloodthirsty and black-hearted scoundrels ever to sail the seven seas! Russell was a sailor for several years before he turned to writing journalism ...
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"The Frozen Pirate" is the bizarre story of Paul Rodney, a sailor who narrowly escapes death by shipwreck and exposure in the Straits of Magellan, then faces further peril. Embedded in the Antarctic ice is an ancient vessel, a pirate ship, filled with what seem to be frozen, contorted corpses. But they are not dead. When one of them revives, Rodney must fend off one of the most bloodthirsty and black-hearted scoundrels ever to sail the seven seas! Russell was a sailor for several years before he turned to writing journalism and fiction. He wrote much on nautical topics and campaigned to improve working conditions for seamen. A little bit forgotten in this age, but in his day he was well known for the books "The Wreck of the Grosvenor" and for "The Death Ship, A Strange Story".
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