This is the final story of an unlikely group of survivors in the Zombie Apocalypse. Their story follows their attempt to end the disaster and to liberate the world of the parasitic contagion. We join our heroes as they race to Alaska to find Amber's brother, Paul. Will they survive the perilous journey? Will they find a way to stop the Zombie plague? Will there be another firetruck? To answer these and many more questions, you'll need to read this book. This is the fourth book in the "True Story of the Zombie Apocalypse" ...
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This is the final story of an unlikely group of survivors in the Zombie Apocalypse. Their story follows their attempt to end the disaster and to liberate the world of the parasitic contagion. We join our heroes as they race to Alaska to find Amber's brother, Paul. Will they survive the perilous journey? Will they find a way to stop the Zombie plague? Will there be another firetruck? To answer these and many more questions, you'll need to read this book. This is the fourth book in the "True Story of the Zombie Apocalypse" series. Although you could certainly read this as a stand-alone novel, it would be much better if you read "Parasite", "Symbiote" and "Creator" first. Please consider doing this. I refer to the other books often. The short story, "Saving Jebediah" is not a necessary read for this series. I wrote it as fan fiction for the wonderful author Mark Tufo. I tie it into the first and third book, but it isn't necessary for the series. Doug is currently working on a fantasy series called "Thw War of the Stone." Check for updates on his Facebook page.
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