This atmospheric story, set during WWII, finds the now mature Tommy and Tuppence Beresford doing what they do best--having an adventure. These two unlikely spies help defend their country by trying to expose two highly placed Fifth Columnists. When Tommy is asked by the British Intelligence Service to go and stay at the Sans Souci guest house, he is astonished to see Tuppence there. The mission: to identify which of the other guests is N and which is M.
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This atmospheric story, set during WWII, finds the now mature Tommy and Tuppence Beresford doing what they do best--having an adventure. These two unlikely spies help defend their country by trying to expose two highly placed Fifth Columnists. When Tommy is asked by the British Intelligence Service to go and stay at the Sans Souci guest house, he is astonished to see Tuppence there. The mission: to identify which of the other guests is N and which is M.
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This is the 4th of 5 Tommy and Tuppence
books by Christie. It is interesting because
it reveals attitudes and fears of the British
population during WWII. Provides a nice
'prequel' to the 5th book, 'Postern of Fate'.