the "Huicide"
If ever there has been a death in history about which more questions have been asked than answered, it must be that of Marilyn Monroe. Donald H. Wolfe has written another book since this 1998 edition called "The Assassination of Marilyn Monroe" (1999), so there is no question where his sentiments lie. The evidence he brings to the fore in the ±450 pages of "The Last Days", is mind-boggling. Clearly actors or actresses that have made their way to the top go and see a psychiatrist at some point or another for some reason or another. These specialists get to hear all there is and more about the ?patient?s? soul ? not to mention their private lives and loves. Dr Greenson, the one who ended up seeing Monroe on a fairly regular basis near the end, abused this information. Monroe had access to interesting political information via her relationship with JFK (and later his brother), but that the Cold War could reach Hollywood and strike it so deeply, is uncanny. By the time 1962 came around, Monroe was surrounded not only by FBI, CIA and Mafia taps on her telephones and home, but the KGB as well, in the form of her psychiatrist! Since all the facts can?t just be spat out surrounding August 1962, Wolfe takes the reader back to Monroe?s upbringing and what the men in her life by 1962 were up to when she was still young. In a sense, the title is misleading since you get to read about ?all the days? of Marilyn Monroe, ending with one key witness that the media missed out on for decades: The housekeeper/Eunice Murray/?s son in-law. Norman Jeffries was in and around 12305 Fifth Helena Drive for virtually 24 hours from the 4th to the 5th August 1962 and saw everything. If you?re still wondering whether or not this was a suicide, read this book (or the next) ?