Richard Mendelson
Richard Mendelson is a wine law specialist at Dickenson, PeaRichard Mendelson is a wine law specialist at Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty in Napa, California, and Lecturer at the Univtman & Fogarty in Napa, California, and Lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law, where he dirersity of California at Berkeley School of Law, where he directs the Program on Wine Law and Policy. He also owns Mendelects the Program on Wine Law and Policy. He also owns Mendelson Wines. ...See more
Richard Mendelson is a wine law specialist at Dickenson, PeaRichard Mendelson is a wine law specialist at Dickenson, Peatman & Fogarty in Napa, California, and Lecturer at the Univtman & Fogarty in Napa, California, and Lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley School of Law, where he dirersity of California at Berkeley School of Law, where he directs the Program on Wine Law and Policy. He also owns Mendelects the Program on Wine Law and Policy. He also owns Mendelson Wines. son Wines. See less