Cecil (CJ) John is a chartered graduate of the Royal Institute of British Architects and a computer scientist. He is the chief executive officer of virtualdeveloper.com, LLC, an information technology firm based in the United States. Virtualdeveloper.com, LLC, has worked with some of the world's largest organizations, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, the United States government, Deloitte Consulting, and Ernst & Young. CJ is the inventor of the world's first blockchain...See more
Cecil (CJ) John is a chartered graduate of the Royal Institute of British Architects and a computer scientist. He is the chief executive officer of virtualdeveloper.com, LLC, an information technology firm based in the United States. Virtualdeveloper.com, LLC, has worked with some of the world's largest organizations, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, the United States government, Deloitte Consulting, and Ernst & Young. CJ is the inventor of the world's first blockchain-enabled digital workplace. In 2019, he caught the attention of Microsoft, who awarded his company the highly coveted status of Microsoft Managed Partner. As a philanthropic endeavor, CJ founded the John Charitable Trust, a 501(c)3 foundation. For consulting or speaking engagements, please contact C]: Email: ci@virtualdeveloper.com Website: https: //www.virtualdeveloper.com/engage Linkedin: https: //www.linkedin.com/in/cijohn See less