Andre Santos Campos
Andre Santos Campos (Ph.D. University of Lisbon, 2009) works as a Principal Research Fellow and invited assistant professor at the Nova University of Lisbon. He has also been a visiting assistant professor at the Faculty of Law, where he lectures in Legal Theory for the doctoral program. His articles have appeared in a wide range of journals, including Philosophy Compass, Philosophia, Ratio Juris, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, The European...See more
Andre Santos Campos (Ph.D. University of Lisbon, 2009) works as a Principal Research Fellow and invited assistant professor at the Nova University of Lisbon. He has also been a visiting assistant professor at the Faculty of Law, where he lectures in Legal Theory for the doctoral program. His articles have appeared in a wide range of journals, including Philosophy Compass, Philosophia, Ratio Juris, Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie, The European Legacy, Journal of Ancient Philosophy, and The Journal of Value Inquiry. He is the author of Spinoza's Revolutions in Natural Law (Palgrave MacMillan, 2012), and the editor of Spinoza: Basic Concepts (Imprint Academic, 2015), Spinoza and Law (Routledge, 2016) and of Challenges to Democratic Participation (Lexington Books, 2014). See less