In this, the third installment of the Molon Labe series, the First West Virginia Militia takes the fight to the enemy with new and old friends. New alliances are formed and old ones are bolstered as the enemy continues to show the depths to which it will stoop to strip freedoms and rights from American citizens. Familiar as well as all new characters fight side by side as our heroes take the fight to the next level and strike at the enemy in his own back yard. Cheer with the victories and mourn in the defeats as our ...
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In this, the third installment of the Molon Labe series, the First West Virginia Militia takes the fight to the enemy with new and old friends. New alliances are formed and old ones are bolstered as the enemy continues to show the depths to which it will stoop to strip freedoms and rights from American citizens. Familiar as well as all new characters fight side by side as our heroes take the fight to the next level and strike at the enemy in his own back yard. Cheer with the victories and mourn in the defeats as our characters live out the realities of war while striving to return the balance of power back to We the People!
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