English summary: The contributions to this collection stem from a series of lectures given at Basel University during the spring semester of 2013. The wide variety of topics covered reaches from the philosophical question as to the connection between ethics and aesthetics in relation to the protection of the environment, to environmental economics and theological and religious study issues in their relation to the safeguarding of creation, right up to the controversial debate on to whom mankind owes moral responsibility. ...
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English summary: The contributions to this collection stem from a series of lectures given at Basel University during the spring semester of 2013. The wide variety of topics covered reaches from the philosophical question as to the connection between ethics and aesthetics in relation to the protection of the environment, to environmental economics and theological and religious study issues in their relation to the safeguarding of creation, right up to the controversial debate on to whom mankind owes moral responsibility. The theoretical reflections to these and further subjects hereby find recourse to their practical areas of application - from biodiversity to landscape protection, urban development and sense of homeland. German description: Die Beitrage dieses Sammelbandes gehen aus einer Ringvorlesung im Fruhjahrssemester 2013 an der Universitat Basel hervor. Die vielfaltige Themenpalette reicht von philosophischen Fragen der Verbindung von Ethik und Asthetik im Zusammenhang mit dem Umweltschutz uber die Umweltokonomie und theologische und religionswissenschaftliche Bezuge auf eine Schopfungsbewahrung bis hin zur kontroversen Debatte daruber, wem gegenuber der Mensch moralisch verantwortlich sei. Die theoretischen Reflexionen zu diesen und weiteren Themen finden hierbei einen Ruckbezug auf ihre praktischen Anwendungsbereiche - von der Biodiversitat uber Landschaftsschutz und Stadtebau bis zum Heimatgefuhl. Mit Beitragen von: Christine Alewell, Bruno Baur, Andreas Brenner, Franz Conen, Daniela Demko, Andreas Dietrich, Carl Friedrich Gethmann, Corinna Jung, Angelika Krebs, Hartmut Leser, Georg Pfleiderer, Dietmar von der Pfordten, Silvia Tobias, Markus Vogt
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